Headless horseman npc roblox
Headless horseman npc roblox

headless horseman npc roblox headless horseman npc roblox

We're requested to find Thomas, his ghost trying to send us a message. Yours.įor those familiar with past lore, Thomas Thomson was once a Knight of the Silver Hand and after becoming cursed and driven insane in the Scarlet Monastery, he became the Headless Horseman in death, believing that he was alone alive, fighting against the undeath - In his mind, everyone. According to the quest, this has called the attention of both NPcs when a tome belonging to Thomas suddenly dropped to the floor, open on a page with a single name on it.

headless horseman npc roblox

The quest A Ghostly Message mentions an individual named Thomas Thomson. The questline starts with either Matron Mother Seacole by the gates of Stormwind or Calia Menethil by Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar. WARNING: Minor story spoilers in this post!

Headless horseman npc roblox