Stellaris big red button achievement
Stellaris big red button achievement

stellaris big red button achievement

Whether it's because you have a low population on your planets or not enough territory researched in border growth, or you have a neighbor right up against your territory where only the frontier outpost is holding it back if you don't have anything else on the other side of the frontier outpost that directly extends your borders (ie. If your frontier outpost is near the edge of your territory with very little distance between it and the end of your territory, you don't have enough border projection to afford decommissioning it. Also, with removing the Frontier Outposts you need to eyeball your territory and account for friction. Missing a few years of benefit from one system doesn't mean very much. If I see the territory just missing by inches, I know that with the proper steps (That everyone should be taking), you should be able to have your territory naturally grow where that doesn't matter. I mean yeah, knowing exactly what would happen with a frontier here or one taken out there would be nice, but I never found it game breaking. Seriously, why do we not have a way to see what we're going to get with an outpost yet? One of the biggest reasons I don't play Ironman in Stellaris is all those moments where I build a Frontier Outpost and miss the system I really wanted to include in there by a couple pixels, or vice versa when I delete an outpost I figured wasn't needed anymore and end up losing a valuable system.

Stellaris big red button achievement